Home » IAB SEA+India AGM 2023 | Highlights from 2022 | Part Three

IAB SEA+India AGM 2023 | Highlights from 2022 | Part Three.



On the 8th February 2023 we hosted our first in-person AGM in three years at the new Carousell offices in Singapore.  Members from across the region caught up over coffee then joined Regional CEO, Miranda Dimopoulos as she shared our achievements in 2022, our priorities for 2023; and how Members can optimise their memberships.

We have summarised this meeting into three parts of which this is Part Three:

1. 2022 Highlights – Achieving an agenda that drives impact

2. 2023 Business Plans – Communities, Impact and Advisory and how to make the most of your membership this year

3. Our Amplify Sponsored Collaboration Content Series – bespoke research, webinars, content syndication, Thought Leadership

IAB SEA+India Amplify Sponsored Collaboration Series – Partnerships to build awareness and understanding

Each year, the IAB SEA+India collaborates with Member companies on important content projects that aren’t addressed within the current community structure such as the Regional Board and Councils.  The largest part of our audience (70%+) for this series are brands and agencies.

We have an in-house Research Team who can run multi-language survey studies for our Members. For example:

The Google Privacy Webinar Series partnered with us to increase awareness and understanding of privacy, with great success:

IAB SEA+India Regional Board Chair JJ Eastwood, Carousell Media Group shared highlights from our 2023  Retail Media Research mentioned above. This is the first Asia-specific research into the global phenomenon of retail media, revealing that budgets are being increased and moved into this area; and brands are even advertising on retail media platforms on which their products are not sold because their brand ethics align.

IAB SEA+India Regional Board Member Tina Pang, Twitter gave a sneak peek to an upcoming Southeast Asia research project into the highly desirable Gen Z and Millennial audiences.

The IAB SEA+India has limited Amplify Sponsored Collaboration Series spots each year. If you would like to propose a project please contact hello@iabseaindia.com.



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